College turnaround

Why hello there again! Look at me getting around to writing a second post.  I’m quite proud of myself considering how busy I am with college these days. 

This is my first proper week back at college and already I’m falling behind. So much to do, so much stuff I have no interest in. Since I came back to college I’ve been seriously worried that I was in the wrong course after all. The work was harder than I anticipated, and I don’t mean to say that that’s why I’m not enjoying it, but it’s very difficult stuff that I have no interest in. See I’m in a 4 year science course, and the first two years are general science and then you pick your specialty. Only thing is, I haven’t really been enjoying it, and there’s only so much you can go through saying “third year will be better” when you have noting to prove it and you’re really not enjoying what you’re doing. So I’ve been silently freaking out for months, because if I didn’t do this, then what would I do?

And then came behaviour. I want to do zoology in third year, and biochemistry which is an enormous chunk of this years work, is the current bane of my life. I have no interest and me and chemistry have never really gotten on. Plus, it’s kind of irrelevant for what I want to do. But then yesterday I started the behaviour module and it was like an oasis in a desert. Finally we were doing something I was really Into. Now it was only an introductory lecture, but already I felt as though I was in the right place, and so long as I get my place next year the two years of not enjoying college would be worth it. So here on in I gotta work my butt off and ensure I get there cause now I know that’s what I want to do with my life.

I am in fact writing this in college and I have a lecture soon so I’m going to stop here and hopefully write another post this evening (or more likely in the next few days) 

Baaaaiiii 😘

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